Sunday, November 15, 2009

Why do PETA members oppose animal testing for cancer research?

Would you really rather that children die so that you can treat animals "humanely?"

Why do PETA members oppose animal testing for cancer research?
Lab research is one area where I think PETA has it dead wrong. Not only is it extremely important (I'd wager a large number of PETA members have been helped by the medical research done on animals), but the animals are not abused. Yes, some of the tests mean that they will be hurt or die, but labs do have a code of ethics when it comes to the treatment of their animals. Animal activists should be focused on the commercial farm industry, which routinely places animals in terrible conditions and does some really horrific things since they see the animals only as dollars and cents.
Reply:because they are idiots!
Reply:PETA believes animals are more important then people.
Reply:Because they never had cancer apparently.
Reply:PETA opposes animal testing because it causes suffering on the animals tested.

i know that's probably insanely hard for you to understand, but try. seriously. try.
Reply:Because PETA today is a bunch of extremist nutjobs. (BTW, yes, I am a liberal)
Reply:For one, because we know that animal research doesn't really translate into people. If it works on a mouse, it may or may not work on a human. It's just not that great of a measure. Second, there are computer models now a days that allow for testing. In many cases, an animal is not needed. Third, because, even though PETA has the best of intentions (who is PRO animals suffering?) they can overstep sometimes.

While I don't always agree with PETA, I am thankful for them. I think they serve as a necessary reminder for Americans to remember that animals have feelings and deserve proper care and treatment. I may not always agree, but I support them and am glad that they serve as a conscious for us. The way we treat animals in this country is disgusting and we should be ashamed...I'm thinking about factory farming and so called 'food'. Animals are in our stewardship and, in my mind, the way one treats living creatures who are defenseless speaks greatly to our humanity and how we, as a species, should be judged.
Reply:A couple arguments that I've read for not using animals in medical research:

-People don't have an inherent right to use animals however we like for our own benefit. Just because we have the power and would like to doesn't mean we have the right.

-Animals are not physiologically identical to humans. A drug that works in mice might not work in humans and vice versa. Although the correlation is pretty good, it's not perfect. Some say that cancer researchers should design experiments using human tissues and human volunteers in order to produce results most applicable to humans.

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