Friday, November 20, 2009

Cancer research supporting puppy mills?

As some of you know, there is a pet store by my house that sells puppies. My mom loves to go in there and play with the puppies, even though she knows they're from puppy mills. (I've told her that several times.)

Anyway, we were in there today because my mom wanted to show me these cute 'Shih-Poos' there. (Which I then had to explain to her about puppy mills. AGAIN.)

There was a Cavalier there, a little boy. He'd been sold. My mom asked who had bought him, and the salesman told her the Wellness Foundation.

As it turns out, once a year, the Wellness Foundation purchases a puppy from this pet store, then auctions him/her off and donates the money to cancer research.

My mom just went on about how great this store is. (Which I then corrected her, going on about puppy mills again.)

So, in my mind, The Wellness Foundation is actually SUPPORTING puppy mills by buying puppies.



Cancer research supporting puppy mills?
Yep I agree. Not only is it negative that they are purchasing a pup from a puppy mill but they are also irresponsible in auctioning a puppy off, potentially encouraging a "impulse purchase" kind of situation.

Unfortunately, like many people out there the organiser of this auction is probably ignorant of how bad puppy mills are. Our only choice is to keep pushing the message that puppy mills are a cruel and unnecessary way of supplying puppys to the pet market. Perhaps you could contact the Wellness Foundation and politely question their understanding of where they are getting the pup from and suggest some alternative ideas.
Reply:I would definately get in touch with the Wellness Foundation and educate them about puppymills. This could do the organization a lot of good, as if it continues, it could give the Wellness Foundation a bad name.
Reply:Well, if they want to do that, who else is going to sell them a pup? No reputable breeder is going to sell a dog with no idea where it will land.

Might be time for a nicely worded letter to them explaining why their well intentioned fund raiser isn't such a great idea.
Reply:It seems odd.... They probably don't know it's a puppy mill-- just a dog store! Ignorance is not bliss......

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