Thursday, November 19, 2009

If you had 60 mil to cancer research...?

if you had sixty million dollars to spend on cancer research. How would you decide on the distribution of the funds? What sorts of projects would you support? How would you distribute the funds with respect to applied versus basic research regarding cell division?

If you had 60 mil to cancer research...?
i would look into other alternatives, before i send someone under the knife. in 1947 a Dr. Larance did just and discovered Transfer Factors but the Govrnment held him back and now a company called 4life research invested over 80 mill. on the supplement and it has a kill rate of 99% on cancer cells.
Reply:i would spread awareness about the benefits of essiac and marijuana. I would never waste it on trying to find a so called "cure."
Reply:i would buy a lot of computers to run .......a research group trying to find a cure

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