Thursday, November 19, 2009

Christian Cancer research?

Can anyone tell me if they know of any Christian cancer research org.? I just want to find a foundation that does cancer reasearch without the use of embryo stem cells. It doesn't have to be Christian, as long as they do not use embryos that have been aborted. I really want to make a donation for my sister since she has breast cancer, but can't find any good places to donate. Thanks!

Christian Cancer research?
When you say "embryos that have been aborted," do you understand that we're not talking about something that has any resemblance to a human? What's used for stem cell research is fertilized eggs whose cells have yet to differentiate. In other words, all they are is clumps of cells. In fact, I doubt that such a clump of cells could be obtained via abortion. To my knowledge, what is used is eggs that were fertilized in vitro, to be used by women who can't get pregnant any other way. Many eggs are fertilized, but usually all are not used. The unused fertilized eggs can be discarded, or used for research that may ultimately help people with spinal cord injuries, diabetes, and other diseases.
Reply:I'm sorry your sister has cancer.

If you find a research facility to donate to, be my guest, but please understand that you wold do a much better service if you were to give to a research facility who puts your sisters worth above that of some jelly in a petri dish. The good places do the research in the area that shows the most promise, and that is embryonic stem cells.

Here is a question: if the embryonic stem cell researchers announce tomorrow that they have a cure for breast cancer, would you drive your sister to get the cure? I hope so, honey.

I hope your sister is well soon!
Reply:Most stem cell research does not come from aborted babies. Here is some information so that you can make a more informed choice:
Reply:try Loma Linda University and Medical center...It is also a research facility...St Jude medical center also does research...there are many many others that I just can't recall at the moment..

of course people are going to say that there aren't any....
Reply:Real-World Successes of Adult Stem Cell Treatments

With increasing frequency, American citizens and others from around the globe are experiencing newfound freedom from disease, affliction, and infirmity. Individuals' lives are forever changed with the strengthened faith and renewed hope that arise from healed bodies and physical restoration. These seemingly miraculous cures are the result of adult stem cell treatments. Yet the debates in the popular media tend to ignore and obscure the medical breakthroughs made by adult stem cell research--success that has conspicuously eluded embryonic stem cell treatments.

HIPPIE MAN,,,Christian Science Does have a place, in fact, it has more of a place than the pseudo science that is currently being taught, whether you choose to accept another matter entirely
Reply:since when do CHristians and scientific research go together?

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