I am glad smoking is banned from most places, but what can be done next?
Would it be better to prevent cancer than wasting money in a research laboritory poisoning animals?
the use of high dosage of preservatives in foods or processed foods should be prohibited!
Reply:I am sure whilst poisoning the "poor" animals the scientist are actually looking for a prevention or cure to cancer, or in someway trying to make out lives better or the future better for our children and their children.
and as for what can be done next - How about banning people from being exposed to sun, to avoid skin cancer. A ban from being in public places between sun rise and sun set. Just to cover the council's back incase someone sues them for getting skin cancer whilst on council property!!!
Reply:Cancer prevention.
Now there is a can of worms.
If you eat this, smoke that , or do something else or don't do something you will ..............................( fill the gap yourself)
Through no fault of my own, or anyone elses, I have an autoimmune liver disease that is incurable. ( in other words terminal)
HOWEVER ..... this is the important bit ...... The research into the drugs that keep me alive and my liver function as normal as it can be was done on animals.
I am not certain there would be any diabetics living as they do now without animal testing. ( insulin development has come a long way)
Whilst I understand the logic and sentimentality behind your question, I also am realistic enough to now that life is not perfect or ideal.
As a cancer survivor I have a lot to be thankful for. Especially to the pioneers that had the spherical objects to perform experiments.
As for poisoning animals - - that is what we do everyday outside a lab just to produce leaner meat, transport it around etc etc etc
Reply:No there should be a lot more testing on live animals; Animals have to important functions in today's society; to fit well and be delicious
Reply:remove toxic chemicals from food,drugs,and daily life,
prevention is better than cure-and no barbaric experiments-
which are an absolute waste of time-
educate people to eat healthily,drink less alcohol,give up smoking-education must start at home,but schools must start having health education lessons
Reply:I will say what i said to someone else. Animals are not the answer and here is a simple rule, what cna beocme active in the body which creates it, can become dormant once more, they is no cure to what was never there.
Reply:you want to volunteer to be the next animal for testing? yo numb nuts how do you think they prevent cancer? TESTING,genius.
Reply:There is no known way to prevent cancer. It is not known what causes the majority of the 200 diseases and its subtypes. The exposure to carcingens in the environment does not always lead to cancer. No one knows why one person gets cancer but another one does not. No one knows why a non-smoker will suddenly get lung cancer, nor why a smoker does not always get cancer. It isn't that clear cut.
So, you cannot prevent cancer from happening to people. You may however be able to reduce the risk by not smoking, not drinking, exercise, and a balanced diet. But there is no guarantee.
Cancer is an ancient disease and was here long before the Industrial revolution or processed foods.
The history of cancer
Cancer is a horrible disease and the use of lab mice is a way to find treatment that may or may not be effective before giving them to humans. But, here is something that you do not know. Every single drug we have for cancer treatment had to be tested on human beings with cancer before they could be approved as a treatment. Which means that it is not just animals that have been experimented on. There are called Clinical Trials. Clinical Trials ask cancer patients who generally have run out of treatment options to volunteer to test drugs. No one knows if the drugs will work. No one knows if the drug will make the person sicker or produce a remission. It is not animals that are being experimented on . . it is people with cancer. The majority who go through Clinical Trials are extremely ill and this is their last hope.
Ethics of Clinical Trials
So do not worry about the animals, as they are not a good substitute for a human being who has cancer. Cancer tumors and response to treatment manifest differently in human than in animals and so humans are used.
Entering a Clinical Trial. Is it right for you?
Because my son has a rare cancer with very few treatment options he will undergo a Clinical Trial in a few weeks. Don't worry, no animals will be injured during his trial.
Reply:Perhaps the regulations governing experiments on live animals can be modernised so that it becomes easier to get permission to do experiments which might help treat or cure disease, while cutting back on the endless testing of identical cosmetics.
I am sure that I am not alone in being both an animal lover and a realist on this subject.
There is an ethical issue, in an ideal world we would not need to test anything on animals especially unnecessary products such as cosmetics (whats in your bathroom cabinet or on your dressing table ?).
Clearly however we do not live in an ideal world and to kid ourselves that the answer to your question about prevention of unpleasant killer diseases such as cancer (lets add a few more say Motor Neurone Disease, Multiple Scerosis, Parkinsons) can readily be achieved without extensive research is not reaslistic. We can only help to pprevent or develop treatments for these diseases if we know what causes them and we only learn that by research (some unfortunately involving animals).
Clearly public health legislation such as smoking bans in public spaces is a great (and long over due) step forward I am sure that this will help.
I would conclude by saying that where we can prevent unneccessary animal testing and develop safe and reliable techniques for testing and research not involving animals then we should do so as a matter of priority.
Reply:yes, and well said!!!!
Reply:how can we prevent Cancer without understanding it and testing drugs before we can use them, if you have an answer to that it would be great
Reply:Diagnosing cancer much earlier would save many lives. Why doesn't the NHS offer full body scans to those over a certain age say every five years. That way, any signs of cancer would be picked up much earlier where suvival rates are much better.
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