they only make us pay for using it with unpayable price so most people like me could not buy it if they find a cure even though we funded them and even though we pay in to the NHS(UK).
so is there a point paying in it even though we will never be able to use it if we need it
and would you give money to cancer research
and does it make you angry like me that you would never get to use it.
and is there a point giving money to them really
Is there a point giving money to cancer research when...?
How do you know you'd never be able to use it? What if the research discovers an affordable cure? Are you psychic?
Reply:Yes, and tens of thousands of cancer sufferers get treated the NHS every year. The treatment my father got was amazing. He had a rare form of cancer. His specialist heard about a new drug for it that wasn't yet approved in the UK. However, he got some from America and gave it to my father. All free on the NHS.
And many advances have occured due to charitable donations made to cancer research charities.
Hope that helps with your problem whatever it is.
Reply:I give regularly to Cancer Research and am also taking part in a long term survey for breast cancer research. Any research done is for the benefit of all and if a cure is found anyone will be able to get the treatment. Your question is a bit confusing but I know many people who have had cancer and they have all been treated by the NHS at no extra cost to themselves or others.
Reply:You live in the UK, so your question makes absolutely no sense, you already pay National Insurance, so that covers your medical expenses under the National Health system.
If you do not want to give money for cancer research, then don't; but to be intellectually honest, if you develop any form of cancer (and you have a 1 in 3 chance in your lifetime), then you should decline any treatment and just die of it!
Reply:Commonsensemom, all medical treatment is free on the NHS in Britain. I think, but I'm not sure, that Billy is talking about the situation that sometimes arises where a treatment exists but has not yet been approved for use on the NHS - sometimes because of the cost. Herceptin for breast cancer is one example - this was not approved for a while because of cost, but is now automatically offered on the NHS where appropriate.
I have had breast cancer, and had surgery, chemo, radiotherapy and hormone treatment free on the NHS. You could not buy better nursing than I had. We don't have to pay to see our family doctors either, and when I have had concerns about recurrence or secondaries tests have been free on the NHS.
I have not chosen to have breast reconstruction, but if I change my mind that too will be free of charge.
The NHS is not perfect, far from it; cuts and creeping privatisation (eg in cleaning and catering) are a huge concern. But I'd say it knocks any other system in the world into a ****** hat.
Believe me, when you have a serious illness like cancer you get out so much more than you have ever put in - and I have been paying NI contributions for going on 40 years.
Billy, I think the government should pay for cancer research rather than relying on charities; but there is dedicated hard work going on into treatments and cures. If you get cancer, you will benefit.
Reply:yeah, we have to!~
Reply:Oh Billy, if only you knew....
I work with people that are researching the cancer genome. It ain't cheap, believe me....
What you pay with your NI contributions only keeps layabouts on the dole.
Cancer research costs mega bucks! CONTRIBUTE NOW!
Reply:How do you think they have come up with the treatments, and cures for various kinds of cancers so far? Through Research. Without research there wouldn't be any treatments available for cancer at all. So yes, we do need to continue to give money to cancer research.
As far as the National Health System in the UK not paying for treatment, that is ridiculous, and sad. We here in the US, are trying to come up with a way to deal with the cost of health care for those who do not have Insurance, and it has been a controvery for years. They keep touting the UK's system as good, but now, I'm beginning to wonder. So they don't pay for cancer treatment at all??? They don't have a fallback system, for those who can not afford it???. That is tragic, and scary. Does your money that you donate for cancer research go directly to the NHS? Or is it done by private charities? If it is done through the NHS, I can see how you would be angy, and upset, but if it is done through private charities, then there is no connection to the NHS, so I would say, it is still good to donate for research. If it's the NHS, I would look for some private charities that may be able to help you with payment. There has to be some available if the NHS isn't paying for it.
Otherwise, I don't know what to tell you, except that research is the only way they will ever come up with a cure for cancer. So it is totally up to you what you decide to do.
God Bless, and I hope if you do have cancer, that you will find some help with the payment.
Reply:If the idea of giving to charity is just to benefit yourself then don't give....its a bit like planting a tree, you may not see the benefit yourself, but in the future others will.....yes some treatments are expensive, but the vast majority of treatments over the last 20 to 30 years are free, and many Cancers, whilst not cureable, are at least manageable and are not the death sentence they used to there is a point in giving...and I will continue to do so....
Reply:I think I agree in some ways. You see it on the media about they have found a new drug, then they won't let people who are willing to take the risk to try it out, even though it hasn't been passed. I feel those poor people who will die should have that chance.
I do think though that a lot of the money goes on research and they have made massive break-through on the treatment of a lot diseases as well as cancer.
Reply:i hope so but they are all bent its the goverment they really don't understand nothing we have a prime minister but he is really a joye for everyone he knows nothing its all bullshit i know from first hand
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