Monday, November 16, 2009

Should we stop contributing to cancer research charities? that the drug companies are charging so much that the NHS won't prescribe the drugs that our donations are funding the research for?

Should we stop contributing to cancer research charities?
We have to find the new treatments even is it takes years for it to be available to us. We want it to be here for our younger people at least. I look at it as helping the future and I think it is very worth it.
Reply:I know what you are saying ,but I don't think so.

I have had many family members pass on because of cancer.

I am a 2x time cancer survivor and have many friends and family that has survived also. I would like to think that maybe one day, we can stamp out this horrible disease, or at least people can stop dying from it!! make it a treatable disease.

Cancer research and care has come a long way!!

Reply:I have never contributed to the cancer research charities. Cancer research is about discovering drugs for pharmaceutical companies to make big money out of - they are not about curing cancer.
Reply:.I know you have a valid point however it is the governments fault not the cancer charities.

the Cancer charities rely on people giving their money so they can carry out the work on our behalf.

So please don't stop giving instead email and lobby the governments.
Reply:no my Mum has recovered from cancer twice so too any one who has thanks a lot!
Reply:Not sure but would be more yes because poor people are the ones contributing and rich people are the ones to be benefited. After we have contributed so that the research can be done and a cure has been found only the rich can afford the medication and treatment.
Reply:No, just stop contributing to American Cancer research. A European Cancer research charity would be better, hell even a Canadian Cancer research charity would be great. The last thing we want is an American company coming up with a cure or better treatment to something like cancer or hiv/aids because what would happen is they'd go out get a patent and have some false and immoral 'ownership' because America is by far the most greedy country in the world. Many would die, except the rich, who in American culture are the only people with value. Medicine should not be run on capitalism. Don't give money to American researchers!
Reply:if you get cancer will you not be thankfull for the donations and legacies left to help fund research that one day may cure you?

I get your point about expensive drugs and the profits gleaned by the major pharmasutical companies,but the failings in supply lay with the "lottery" of NHS regions within the UK and the governments failure to ensure all get the same amount of care.

Everything in life has the ulterior motive of profit when a supply chain is set up with the public being the beneficiary,but not all research is done by the pharmasutical industry,much is done by university hospitals and the royal colleges in London and without public donations they would have to downsize thier research programes.If this were to happen it would open the door to the pharmasuticals to take over completely the research and hold the monopoly on all cancer research and not just the drugs supplied.

It is a hot topic that probably needs to be redresses by the government and put people before profit,but until then the public will still give money to help in further research and to aid others in the poorer parts of the world have access to drugs they couldn`t otherwise afford

Primary Teeth

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