Monday, November 16, 2009

Cancer research conspiracy?

Do you think that a wealthy publically-traded cancer research center with thousands of employees would want to find cheap or natural cures for cancers? If they did, they would certainly go bankrupt and many many people would loose their high paying jobs. Right? It's been proven time and time again (like Enron) that many big-shot execs/CEO's will screw people over just to make a buck. Do you think this could be the case with Cancer research? I really smell a rat here. Or is it just my imagination?

Cancer research conspiracy?
The answer has been found in preventing it in the first place. U.S. law 103-417 has shown that over 20,000 studies conclude we can prevent disease such as cancer, heart disease and osteoporosis, 2 of the 3 biggies, by proper healthful diets. Here is a link to the FDA's website and law

The problem is, who's going to advertise it? Not the pharmaceutical industry as that will put them out of business. Not the disease associations, Cancer Inst. Diabetes Assoc... as that will put them out of business. Of course we keep supporting them because we want "the cure". Diabetes magazine, a national publication, wrote an article how drug companies are not looking to create cures, they are looking for more ways to treat symptoms. In fact, they are looking forward to the next block buster disease. Diabetes has lancetes, glucose monitors, shoes, socks, insulins, boots, several drugs for circulation, glucose monitoring... and more. The are waiting for a similar disease to create more products and profits. This is why I don't support the "Race for the Cure" or any other like organization.

We all know that eating properly is key but, did you know the FDA raised the servings amount of fruits and vegetables to 9-11 servings everyday? Why? Because our foods do not have the nutritional value they had 50 years ago and we need to eat more to get the same previous value. Who even eats the 3-5? That is why we need to supplement our diets with whole foods nutrition. That is also why I became a wellness consultant and although I know the task ahead of me is daunting, the reward will be great. I could sure use your help in spreading the word. Thanks.
Reply:You know, I have thought about this for years...the drug companies and the doctors and research hosiptals all get rich just treating cancer, but a cure would ruin all of that. We have become a society that is less humanitarian and too materialistic. People become Doctors and researchers for the money rather than the purpose. It is a sick world that we live in...I'll take the old days when babies were made by two loving people in a bed (or equivalent) and not in a petre dish and when finding the cure and getting it out to as many people as possible was what we did, because it is what is right.
Reply:I think some of what you are saying is true....however the companies charge a lot for the new drugs
Reply:i think its your imagination. more than half of the people doing cancer research are people who either suffered from cancer or lost someone to cancer.
Reply:I have a tendency to agree with you and also wondered what you have stated. I have a friend who works with Hoffman La Roche who stated that he was on the path of a cure for a certain type of cancer. He was taken off the project.

It is MY opinion that drug companies would like an expensive CONTROL for cancer and not a cure. This way, the drug companies can keep people on expensive medication to control their disease and still get grants and donations to find a cure. No one loses their job and the drug companies continue to make exorbitant profits.
Reply:If they found a cure for cancer they would not 'go bankrupt'. They would be wealthier than anyone or any company (including Microsoft and Walmart) in the world!!!!

Reply:A lot of cancers are being cured or at least put into remission all the time. I think scientists can't be compared to Enron execs though. Scientists do tedious, labourious work checking on which drugs will work the best and how to counteract side effects. We have the best researchers in the world right in Edmonton, Alberta. Cancer is being beaten. It's still the individual's responsibility to not smoke and do the obvious things that can cause cancer.
Reply:immagicnation, wow thats heavy man, who's book you been readin?
Reply:Of course I think they have a cure for a lot of disease and viruses but it would put a lot of the big drug corporations out of business. And I think they keep getting grant money to study on it too. That's just my opinion
Reply:A neighbor told me a few months ago that there is already a natural cure for a few different diseases and disorders, but that the drug companies are talking down holistic medicine because it costs a lot less to produce and process, also the government and drug companies would lose a lot of money if people started going more with holistic medicines.
Reply:thank you. but i didn't say that. i'm not really here. oops. yes i agree...but i didn't say it. oops

wisdom teeth

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