Thursday, April 15, 2010

Why Government raise more fund on Aids, when there are room full of Cancer patients at the hospital?

How many people do you know are dying of Cancer?

How many people do you know are dying of Aids or got HIV?

Well many people I know are dying of Cancer, especially my family members.... and I have never met or knew anyone personally who has Aids or HIV....

Why the Government isn't raising fund for Cancer research?

Why Government raise more fund on Aids, when there are room full of Cancer patients at the hospital?
When you state “raise more fund on Aids” do you mean allocates or gives more funds to AIDS? If so, would you please state where you are getting this information? As it is my understanding they don’t, but you sound very sure about this.

To answer your other questions, I know one person who is dying from cancer and one person who has HIV and none with AIDS.

When you state, “Why the Government isn't raising fund for Cancer research?” do you mean why they are not giving funds to cancer at all or why they are not increasing the funding? Perhaps your source can calcify this too.

The government does fund cancer research. I don’t really know if the amount has increased in the last couple of years. If not I would suspect budget cuts are the cause. However, they typically spend a large amount of their total funding dollars on cancer research
Reply:Cancer research funds have gone up, and I would assume AIDS research funds have gone down. Cancer is not contagious so it is not an immediate threat to others.

Beside the Gov't shouldn't be doing the funding nor the research anyway. They should make it easier and profitable for private companies to do the research.
Reply:Because all the Hollywood types have aids and it gets more attention, it's not fair but that is why it's that way.
Reply:Simple. The AIDS group is far more vocal and more active than the Cancer folks. The squeaky wheel always gets the oil.

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