atoms/creation of universe/evolution?
if so, why?
Are there any christians who support marie curie's cancer research but do not support her research into?
Yep, there are. There are also some who have never heard or read of Marie Curie's views on anything, including atoms/creation of universe/evolution.
Positivism is a far cry from the Roman Catholicism in which Madam Curie was raised.
You ask, "If so, why?" Humans tend to compartmentalize their thoughts. Most have contradictory concepts stored within their own minds. We are strange beings.
Perhaps it is hard to understand the concept of Wholeness when one is constantly judging others based upon personal concepts of Right and Wrong.
Reply:You are most welcome. ...and thank you. Report Abuse
Reply:A "Portishead" for you Our Sweet-Pea:
Yahoo "Papa Damn" Just Ask Flashing Q. thru' Our Renaissance Fan "Les Pleiades, of course - WHO ELSE Will it be, besides The Poetic
Explorateur/Grand Architect/EntrePreneur, Yahoo Papa Lion who will Lead this Troupeau of "Live Wires" ? Report Abuse
Reply:[ENTER PATINOIRE 300km wide at least}
No, me not "Picking %26amp; Choosing" - 'm going through IT -
In Marie Curie's Times of "platinum wires, etc...", we had Monsieur ET Madame Curie - but for US now, Here is
Damn Kate C: "Just, being Yourself... Papa !" Report Abuse
Reply:Then, no big deal "pitchblende" from Yahoo, Bia the Damn Madam,
no here Other Direction SVP, VIA "Yours Truly Yahoo F.C. making a STAND Game AND NOT:
"Pokemon cards"
Pleiades - Yahoo L'Histance (sorry it's French) answers:
"Schizo Answer" Report Abuse
Reply:( Yahoo Whisper 's Answer: pay them.
Well, you already Know my "Board Fee".
Voila !
Frederique Yahoo - Ask Our Fan Star ShooterJon C.) Report Abuse
Reply:But Then, as Usual, "Who Knows ?" Report Abuse
Cancer and Our Environment ?
Jon C stars a Q. - me not on e-mail with Any Fans BTW
for a while so "IT is as IT is" - %26amp; guess who Asks: i W
= what ? So If you don't get why: You ARE an Ignorant 'coz as a Manager, you cannot Relate. Report Abuse
Reply:Of Course, Jon C stars a Q, about "Being Real "
Well, "Relate" Now - that You "Know/Win".
That's IS "the Porpoise": after All 'coz WHOEVER Conceived of this Game Has to Be more Yahoo than Me. But Then, me never Good at 'machines' - except for "YM". Report Abuse
Reply:9: me not Scared to Play - the Musicians on The Titanic
"Going with IT in a Manner"
Great Fan Richard +Jon Carrabine %26amp; Witchy of 'Ol - for all You know Witchy, you may be as "With IT" as Innocent Christian Martyred Souls of Ol'.
Just left a "Y KICK" Q. "Hope They'll Show".
"The Last/Top" Report Abuse
For "KickBacks" Started Q. ( me trust YM isn't doing "Oops" here)
As Me opened "The Screen", Yahoo Nenna Asks:
"How does One Fold Fitted Sheets ?"
Well, "Noble Living Fan", as opposed to Wordsworth's
"Noble Dead" in Prelude : "Fold The 'Coing-Coint' First"
Medieval Francais Report Abuse
Reply:"Dictionnaire Etymologique - Larousse
[" IT is as it is"]
nouveau dictionnaire etymologique et historique
edition revue et corrigee
par A. Dauzat; Jean Dubois %26amp; H. Mitterand
{ Voila: "Pyramide au Milieu du Louvre")
p176. same p as "coincider" from medieval latin "coincidere" Report Abuse
Old French
A concise Handbook
E. Einhorn
Romance Studies ( Cape Town)
Cambridge University Press
+ London NY New Rochelle Melbourne Sydney Report Abuse
Reply:Voila !
"Hope You are "Dead-Beat AND Recharged" by Now. Report Abuse
Reply:Of course, Me not The Author:
Just a little suspense - it's appropriate since me not hurt anyone
@ Cambridge University Press 1974, reprinted 1979,
Sunday "After Witchy Hour" 5th of August 2007
Got Married On "Hiroschima" 6th August "Once Upon a Time..."
"True On Earth As IT is In Heavens" Report Abuse
Reply:Frederique C - "The Bard's Wishing Farewell !" Report Abuse
Reply:Well let's see, we still have cancer many years later and the world will someday pass away but with God's people safely in heaven serving Him for eternity. Hmmmm?
Reply:Marie Curie died in 1934.
Reply:The more I learn about how the universe works--how complicated and precise everything is--the more I am convinced that God exists. I am grateful for any knowledge about the universe.
Reply:"Witchy-Witch" - If MeMay Interpellate )o( -
Just Being on Yahoo
in Land of Ochre with Eternal Daughter Momof4 -Marie Curie - "Tough Cookie !" But, as usual (it's Always "Monotonous This uni-universe), business AND Ol' Ducks = empty, but Knowing exactly how to Duck:
"Let "YULP of the Juggle Pluck the Young Ones...or The Daring Ones"
So: Marie Curie's Epoch needs to Be Understood. Homeopathy
was Practiced and Pharmacists were well, many things: Les Grands %26amp; The People used their Preparations from 'Eau de Rose' to 'Parfum de Jasmin' etc. - like Bread. Of course, there were Sweets, for coughing and soothing the throat before Choir. The Usual, but Practical - as You Know, the Drenched-Battlefields. AND, as usual, 'coz We were too Preoccupied with "Whatever Progression" We were Following to End also: The Problem with Labels.
Classic, "Neo ?". Well, The End of 19 th Century Market became inundated with either Bad Medecines or Poisons. So, Now How do We go about Solving the Sieving Problem ?
Look, IT wasn't a "Piece of Cake ?" - Did She say That even ? Imagine our Little Quest here.
What would Marie Curie say about IT on Yahoo ?
Take a Guess. "If So Why ?"
Me Tiring on the Q about Christians, If Christians Don't Know where %26amp; How %26amp; What IT is about by Now, well ...
Richard The Chemist COEUR-DE-LION ? "History ! Again?"
And Guess who is in the Front:
" Comme ces Trucs Machin-Chouettes de ParaDinosaures Casse-Coup %26amp; TT"
Hip %26amp; Hip HOURRAH !
Well Richard: in This World, conceived by Tortoises Playing
" Known Stuff ?" with their "Salads Sweet/Sour?/Spicy,
Rotten a la fois ?" who do You think would say:
"If, so why ?"
Me got to Check - Right Now Fan American Christ 's Journey in this Game - If it were Fair and Perceived as Fair %26amp; so Jolly, IT Would Be WORTH Playing, "Unfortunately ?", well in this Game, do You Think Elephants would crush The Tasteless Tortoises ?
Methinks ALL Fans Here would be AT LEAST BE on Our Backs.
"Smile for the Camera, Mirandaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !"
('ll be Black in an Armour For a Change)
.........................Me Back.......................................
No red Carpet.....................................
Well, at least He's on Track on "The Moon Beam":
Pour les Routiers and All:
" Not The Broken Wheels...[He] The High Way"
True - Just Stuck in "Ploc, ploc, Poltico...Forgot Exploration; known only careless %26amp; mannerless exploitation, but Hungers for IT.
Voila !
Leaders don't Mix Everything Up. Great Architects, Leaders.
Now Someone Else Should Say Somrthing 'coz It's Obvious
They aren't:
1. Real Echos
2. Too Slow for Most Animals in The Jungle.
So How Long must This "Dream" Go ON for American Christ ?
At Least, in the Ol' Days, like small Yahoo's Board on Earth
(Better not call It that on earth 'coz "antSoissies" don't like Being Reminded of How Vast The Universe IS), well please Check IT Today 'coz it is "Broadcasting ?":
"[a 'detail' about Wrong-Wedding Toast] ?"
IT Translates on Yahoo as a Q. worth Debating %26amp; Concluding
"There's A WHOLE Jungle UP Here."
Voila !
Yes, The Jesuits - "Loyola %26amp; All ?" Would have made This Fan AX, a STAR Earlier, but Danger for American Christ:
" Not Enough Ropes, Yet...
But Holding Tight, at Least...
Needs a Push...GENTLY...
That's All"
Jesuits don't Like too much Non-sense, BUT Forgot Ascetics AND Other Brothers AND Sisters. YES. OK. Sometimes...
Fathers, Greetings,
May Me Remind You of Certain Facts:
Check Who Baptised Little me AND married me - would Have liked for me to get Last Rights, but...
His Name: "Lucien" - Without REPROACH Him.
So, passed InQ. at this Point.
After All,little me NEVER Made the Joke about U %26amp; You, well getting Lost "in a Park ?" and Then: HAVING to ask a Mortal for Genuine Help, well, what did the Good Pilgrim Confess:
"Father, blabla, Hard for you, but The Road Home is...well,
"Straight ?"
"So 2 Good Marks ?"
In any Case, at last: "YM" Yahoo Software - if Don't Believe in Coincidences %26amp; other Marvels, well
"Heavenly'sTemptation is at Hand" in ALL of US - me repeat ALL...
Never Thought Me would LOVE RECORDS so much. Pity, me never Had a YM for PROOF Before, now Medoes !
Sins ? Bof..."not worth a Penny."
Chanson/Priere pour Les Bons Peres et Belles-Soeurs:
'L'on Ne Refuse pas L'Humble Enfant
Qui se Soir Vient vers Toi
Humble et ConfiantE"
So Ends The Gladiators' Match On This Page.
Now Christians: "The Ball is in Your Court. Play HIGH."
Don't Worry Fans Gladiators: Me Always Got Top Marks for Catechism. Waiting Happily for "Jesuits' Casse-Tetes", but methinks They are "Scared ?"
Me not Lost Sight Of "One Word" even at this Point in Time - One Category - now Where Is your Honourable Stand on that ? Tell "Whoever" to write IT.
Me only One Knight: Others Will Come at U.
Amen ! Paix !
Not much "later": Pleiades Stars %26amp; Answer Q. about "Ancestors". Check IT Yourselves. BTW Me cannot Play anymore. Why ?
Well, the yahoo little board shows Young Jonah Whale Being Backed up by Small Scouts - at least.
Getting Older drags on... Not smut me. True.
So, me "not Easy Prey after All". True.
Going Out to see Harry Potter %26amp; getting Past First page of New BK And Other Pleasures. Were me a Jurist, well
Will not Forget. TRUE.
^^^back from movies - saw a little Of Harry's New Movie not from start though, just "peep"'coz
Someone Else Chose something else (Awful, truly); well, me goes where
Majority goes - The Flow.
So Harry Potter: Q. for American Christ:
"Evil is Sad, but Death gives "Real Sight"
So, American Christ Fan, methinks You 'loosened up' since last Q, as IT Occurs, here at Present a Q. from georgeousxvile Temptress Fan:
"Is the Bible Belt loosening ? [And the Rest].
Obviously somewhere. me hasn't been in contact with any Fan
for a while. Why ? "It is how it is"
Well Witchy %26amp; Fans, if IT were Harry's "Little Peep" me had, me not scared to
check MormonMomOf4:
"Will there Be housekeeping in heaven ?"(Guess who hasn't
done Her Homework on last Q.)
For Sure " A Second Coming of sort !"
Take Example On 'Marie C'.
Among Other Things, an explanation NOW ( "Chronometres ?") Scholars of Daniel C. Dennett should "Re-Decant" in "Consciousness Explained".
My "Penguin Books 1991" doesn't explain IT:
Witchy: Bet Marie Curie The Scientist would Recognise the MAIN Anomaly:
When one doesn't have a choice of Direction because there is no Sign saying "Careful: The Wheel of Birth " on Yahoo Board - or simply "Birth". IT is not of Service. "IT is How it is "
Beg to differ on the Polarities caused by
"Pregnancy ? Parenting" among The Public Domain AND the Division caused at All Levels in Q/A - it is not a Matter of small-small Print, a Category - and Here IT is very Wrongful to omit ITS Existence - absurd even and ...
Hurting "Innocents". Why ?
"YM" among Others.
So me ask TRUE Q. to TRUE unknowns.
"Sound Off Trumpets ?"
Reply:Nice try, my friend.
I fear though that you're wasting your breath.
Reply:Cancer research doesn't deny the existence of the Creator.
adult teeth
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