Monday, April 26, 2010

Better to find cancer cure than fight in Iraq?

1500 people die of cancer daily. That is a 9/11 every two days. So in three days more people die of cancer than have died in Iraq. Plus, the youngest soldier to die in Iraq was 18 while youngest person to die of cancer was a newborn. So, it is better to put money into cancer research than to fight in Iraq which has never been a threat to us. This shows Bush is not a smart President. We can certainly keep America safe from terrorists without the Iraq war, but you cannot prevent people from getting cancer. 1/2 to 1/3 people will get cancer. Do the math. There is great research into cancer right now, but it will be delayed if funds are not available. The Iraq war is a loss cause and we need to get out and save lives. . Cancer cure is not a lost cause. Why should a baby, a teenager, a young adult, or even a 70 year old die of cancer because funds are not available for the cure? All these folks could then live to be 90 plus. You have to be a fool to not understand all this.

Better to find cancer cure than fight in Iraq?
I think with the war in Iraq U.S.A has spent billions of dollars on military. You are totally right. Saving lives at home is much better than oversees at least the research that is done to save the lives can be shared with others across the globe to save everyone who need it.
Reply:Amen to that. And the wonderful thing is, it would save Iraqi lives as well....
Reply:Have you considered the oil revenue that will be obtained from Iraq and the better life the people there will be having. (i am just being sarcastic to those who might be thinking this) i am scientist and for some reason the collective society does not like to fund research for saving dying people.
Reply:wow. if everyone thought like you we wont be in the war today. thank you for making my day.

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