There are hundreds of people working in labs across the country researching cancer and trying to come up with a cure for it. Just how long will it be before someone finds it? When we do find a cure, it will dramatically change people's lives.
How long do you think it will be before someone finds a cure for cancer?
Who knows?
Some cancers can already be cured. Seven out of ten children are cured of cancer. Testicular cancer, Hodgkin's disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all be cured in adults with chemotherapy, most skin cancers are cured with surgery, and many cases of thyroid cancer and cancer of the larynx are cured with radiotherapy.
Many other types of cancer are also cured if they are found early enough. Yes, there is still a long way to go, especially with some of the commonest types of cancer such as lung, breast, bowel and prostate cancer
The difficulty with finding a cure for cancer is that cancer is hundreds of diseases, not just one. Different cancers are caused by different things, so no one strategy can prevent them all, and different cancers respond to different treatments so no one treatment can cure them all. There will never be a single magic bullet that cures all cancers. But, as you say, there is much (underfunded) research and dedicated hard work going on in all types of cancer to try and find cures; treatments will continue to improve and cures will be found.
Reply:i know it won't happen in my lifetime and probably not in my son's lifetime. i've no way of knowing if or when it will happen.
Reply:here is a research group that is trying to find a cure.........
Reply:MD answer - cancer specialist
The first answer above is on the right track. Simply stated, cancer is not one disease. It is many different diseases.
And a cancer like breast cancer is not the same in every person who has it. Some cancers ARE being cured. Ask Lance Armstrong. Most women with breast cancer are cured.
Many cancers could be prevented - - which is better
than a cure. Smoking still causes many cancer deaths.
Why was cancer not such a problem 100 years ago? The average life expectancy was 47 years. Infections killed most people, but many of these have been cured one by one with antibiotics or vaccines. Most patients with cancer are over 50, and the majority are over 60. We see more cancer now because people live longer.
Cures for every single cancer would not topple our world,
but we may run into a problem taking care of an increasing population of very old people. Sooner or later, we all die
from something. It needs to be that way or there would be
no room for the younger people.
If all cancers were eliminated, some 23% of all deaths each year in the U.S. would be eliminated. But we would still go
on to die from something else. If everyone were immortal,
the young would have a very huge burden indeed supporting us all.
Disregard the people who say that greed prevents a cancer cure form being released. Whoever comes up with a cure for even a fraction of the cancers we see, will become rich from the discovery. All doctors want cures. No doctor enjoys seeing cancer. I left the field after 20 years partly because
I had seen more than I ever wanted to see.
Medical oncologists are also blood specialists and internal medicine specialists, but we are swamped with cancer patients. We would LOVE to have cures for our patients
with all types and stages of cancer ! !
Reply:It will not happen suddenly as you may wish.
Instead some scientist will find a protein which they can control and which will invade a cancerous lesion and replace the rampant growing cell. But this will only wotk in certain types of tumour.
The next step will be find similar methods for other types of cancer, perhaps just bone cancer or blood cancer (leukemia)
It is general agreed among scholars that it will be gradual step by step process and must certainly include genetic engineering which somehow is opposed by right wing evangelistic members of our society who accuse some branches of the healing arts as "playing God".
In vitrio and gene transplanting are just two examples of advanced medicine leading to cures which the governemt has almost banned.
That cure that you so wish for will come, if not in my lifteime, then, perhaps in yours.
Thanks for your great question.
Reply:This is my answer to your question.
How long would it be before there would be peace in the world?
How long would it be when peace reigns between the Jews and the Palestines?
How long would it be when man treats his fellow man in a dignified and repsectful way?
How long would it when rich stop being filthy rich and the poor would have the chnace to upgrade or change their lives in a better way?
The answer as hard it is for you to swallow is never!
I am not being a negative person but a realist.
This cure for cancer though is an admirable thing can never be fulfilled as there would be a lot of coperatives, investors and their ilk who won't like it and they would do everything in their power to stop it or slow it down. It burns holes in their greed to accumulate more money than before. And would they stop and do nothing?
It is like that one day in the USA there would be free visits to doctors and health care to everybody.
The world is ruled by money, power and sex. We are talking about power and money here.
If and I repeat it if, there would be a cure for cancer, Wall Street would crash down so much that it would leave a smoldering deep hole in the ground, Governments would fall, people would wake up from and would finally understand the lies that have been rammed down their throats by the people in power.
In other words there would be one big hell of a change, that people who at present are in power would get their dues at the end.
Try to magine that they would find a cure, what happens next?
I don't know but I have an idea and this would be that the world would be torn upside down, inside out as people who would be more fitter would be more wiser and rules have to change with the possibility that what is 'wrong' today would be 'right' tomorrow and vice versa.
That is what I think and I hope that I won't be there when this thing happens.
Understand one thing as you might be very young (I am not insulting you or paternizing you) certain things are beyond your comprehension.
It is a wonderful thing to believe in but in reality that is very difficult to acheive due to human nature.
I don't know if I have helped you but maybe I have just pushed the door to eartlhy wisdom a bit open for you to walk in and understand.
Though I would love to think like you do, I am sorry I can't!
Reply:I don't think that scientist will ever find a cure for cancer.
wisdom teeth
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