Saturday, April 17, 2010

God didn't cure my cancer. Research, technology and doctors did.?

Statement not question.

Either case Scientists never get credit for anything.

God didn't cure my cancer. Research, technology and doctors did.?
Yep... very good. Everybody who believes in God is going to relate every single outcome to something that God has to do with. If you didn't get cured .. well that is just what God willed to happen. If you got better, oh well "praise God", because he healed you. Sheesh.
Reply:Yay for science!
Reply:I am glad to hear it was cured. Science is good!
Reply:The doctors, using technology and research, may have cured you, but where did they get the idea? Could God have placed the insight into the man, long ago, to create the technology/do the research? Could He have placed the desire to go to medical school into the doctors so that they could one day cure you? Could He have placed the insight into the doctors so that they would know exactly what to do so that you could still be here breathing today?

Think about it.
Reply:Yes God Did. He Allowed The Sciences To Cure You
Reply:You know there is is a story that I think you should read.

There was a young man who loved to ride his motorcycle in the mountains and in dangerous areas. One time as he was riding up a steep mountain road at night, coming right out of a turn in the road was a big monster 18 wheel truck bearing right on top of him. Now this road had on one side a continuation of the mountain going up, and on the other side was a steep cliff. There was no room for him to maneuver to the side of the mountain, so at the last second he veared tight over the cliff. As he was freefalling down through thin air he suddenly saw a branch sticking out the side of the cliff, and he quickly grabed ahold of it. Well you can guess what he saw when he looked down there was his bike in a thousand little peices.

Two years later he was in Israel by the Western Wall, but not for religion, as he was only touring and that was just one stop. A Rabbi walked up to him (as Rabbis over there do somtimes) and asked him if he was Jewish, and the young man aswered in the affirmative. The Rabbi asked him if he would be willing to take a look at Judaism for just one day. The young man looked at the Rabbi and said, "Rabbi, I don't need to go to a place of study to understand G-D" Me and G-D are tight. Clearly intreaged the Rabbi asked him what his story was. So the young man told him what I just told you and added, "Now Rabbi, If G-D didn't like me would that branch have been there for me to grab on to"?

The Rabbi smiled and said you are right. But who do you think sent that big truck?

I am very happy to hear that you are cured of Cancer, but just like in the above story, who do you think gave you the Cancer in the first place?

Think about it
Reply:Are you asking which one cured your cancer? I have no idea.
Reply:Death and flesh aren't curable. Our sentance is death,and we shall die. But onw day the voice of Him who has concoured death shall say come forth,and we shall arise to life immoratal because our precious savior has concored death and holds the keys of death and hell.
Reply:And the point you're making is...........?

The existence of science does NOT automatically cancel out the existence of God, or vice-a-versa.
Reply:Congrats! My friend Joe died two weeks ago from liver cancer. And he was an athiest. So, neither God nor science helped him out. But, you know, he was OK with that.
Reply:You are blessed that God gave Man the

Intelligence for the technology.
Reply:Congratulations, and have a long life but if you want life after death you can ask your doctors for that !!!
Reply:I'm happy you have been cured.

pardon me if I'm a little confused but you said God didn't cure you.... research, tech, and docs did right? and just where do you think they got their wisdom from? answer= God.... so God is the one who cured you.
Reply:Glad you are better! But God wanted you to be or you wouldn't be. He's giving you a second chance to find him. Sounds like you don't believe in him, and therefore, if he had allowed you to die, you wouldn't have made it to heaven, and that's where he wants you. Take the chance he has given you. He gave the doctors the gifts that allowed them to cure you.

god made the the doctors and science ect make you better

the doctors did make you better but if god didnt want that to happen you wouldnt be beter at all

anyway glad you cancers gone!!!
Reply:If He didn't ultimately do it..then who created technology and all the information there is.
Reply:And a lot of positive thinking on your part.
Reply:they used God stuff to do it with however.
Reply:I'm glad you're cured. Aren't you glad God gave your doctors the brains to do the job?
Reply:Who created the doctors?

Who created the people who refined this technology?

Who had mercy upon your situation?

Who blessed your nation to afford these things?

Probably you live in a country that has lots of Christians in it. Ones that dont...people just die. Even a common cold. Nobody sure gets better from cancer.

But, live in denial if you like. If you have a revelation in hell, it will be too late. So try to open yourself up to one here on earth.

Blessings and enjoy your new lease on life. May He be a part of it.
Reply:This really isn't a question so I will ask one. Who gave all those people the skills to cure you?
Reply:God used doctors to cure your CANCER.

you have to be thanks..

don't blame is a SIN.

skin itching

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