Saturday, April 17, 2010

With the money wasted on the Bush Iraq war mess, could we have cured cancer by now?

Two weeks of the expenditure on this war is the entire budget for cancer research for one year. 1500 people die of cancer each day..that's a 9/11 every two days. The medical research budget has been cut by the Bush administration, researchers are hurting for funds. The war on terror was not in Iraq! The war on cancer is through medical research. but Bush cuts the funding and restricts stem cell research

With the money wasted on the Bush Iraq war mess, could we have cured cancer by now?
I don't know about a cure, that's anybodies guess. We certainly could have made many major advances in research and developing new medications and treatments so cancer patients could live longer, have a better quality of life and a much better chance of cancer going into remission.

Being able to finance multiple studies with new treatment and drugs, more cancer patients could be used in the studies that could eventually lead to a cure.
Reply:Curing cancer would put to many people out of work, so it is not going to happen.
Reply:Bush..... blah blah blah blame Bush blah blah blah blame Bush blah blah blah blame Bush............
Reply:You're right, screw the women and children being raped and the men being tortured there, we need to be selfish and worry about our own people. Darn Bush!!

Great attitude, keep your head in the sand, and blame Bush when things don't go your way...good lord...
Reply:There is already a cure for cancer. It is a money maker for sure.

We just closed the behavorial unit at the hospital in our town and expanding the hospital with a cancer center.

Health experts project a hugh surge in cancer ..tho.

You are in err regarding President Bush and the stem cell research. He oks stem cell taken from the cord from a newborn but he does not bellieve in creating an embryo in a petri dish and killing if for the stem cell.

There are other ways to get plenty of stem cells without creating a life for them. That is what he vetos...

There is plenty of money for cancer research .

The war in Iraq was voted on by Congress and the United Nations...Hillary Clinton voted to go in to Iraq so its her war too. don't forget that.
Reply:There will never be a cure for cancer, there is too much money being made treating it.
Reply:Blaming Bush and the money spent on the Iraq war is not the answer to curing cancer. It appears to me that cancer research does not get the money needed to find a cure. There is more money spent on research for aids, and other illnesses. Perhaps what is needed is some big name star to do some concert and bring back the awareness of this disease.
Reply:we could have helped all those lured into low int mortgages and made sure laws are passed that do not allow such borrowing in future. How much heart ache could this have saved which also reflects in general stress.

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