Saturday, April 17, 2010

Where does all the money go for cancer research? Because there is clearly a cure.?

I know there is a cure for every illness. I don't believe these stupid guvs.

Where does all the money go for cancer research? Because there is clearly a cure.?
First, our current tests today simply cant detect the single cancer cell. You cant label something a cure if you have no way of proving the patient is cured, which they clearly are not if there are still cancer cells present. We dont even completly understand most of the cancers or what causes them. How do you cure something you dont understand?

Second, they wont loose money with a cure, they will make more than they could ever hope to make now.

Think about a couple things.

How many people would they have had to treat to determine it was a cure? How many people would be keeping their mouths shut? By occums razor, that itsnt likely. People talk.

Second, any idea how much the current possible cures cost compared to reg chemo and rad? I have leukemia. I went through 6 rounds of chemo over 10 months the first time, spent the majority of the 10 months admitted. Then after I was done with chemo, I had to still see the docs, first weekly, then monthly for blood tests and biopsies and other such post treatment care. I relapsed a year ago. Went through 2 rounds of treatment, 2.5 weeks in critical care in ICU (that 2.5 weeks alone cost more than anyone on this board makes in a single year).

I then went through stem cell transplant this past summer, which is the possible most likely cure for leukemias, lymphoma, and possibly every single autoimmune disease or disorder we know abuot.

The unit of blood that contained the stem cells alone, cost more than the rest of my combined medical treatment over the previous 2.5 years, and thats not counting the mandatory 6 week hosp stay in a critical care unit, the chemo, radiation, other blood transfusions, all the meds, and the extensive post treatment care (my monthly meds total about 5000 per month). All of this btw, has been paid for by the American working public.

Now, based on that info, are they gonna make or loose money there when the transplant can be labeled a cure (which it cant be, bc bone marrow biopsies can only detect the leukemia when there are more than 3% blast cells I believe. And by the time it shows up on blood work, your marrow is entirely blast cells.)

We will wont be donating as much to research, but rather to agencies who help the patients who are in the 99% of the worlds population that cant afford the treatment get it. Insurance wont cover it, because no one would pay the premiums at the level they would have to raise it to. Medicaid and Medicare wont cover it bc the American working public wont give up the tax money that would require. More money would be spent on awareness.

No one is going to loose money off a cancer cure, I promise

I would like to add some insight as to why cancer treatment does cost so much. The treatments spend 10-20 years in the lab before they ever even reach clinical trials. Then another 10 years or so in trials. Some treatments make it to the end of clinical trials, then something comes up that proves it to not work or not be practicle or something like that. They have to recoup the money in some way so that they can continue to research
Reply:''I never even read past the first line'' - you should have. Why did you ask the question if you didn't want thoughtful and considered answers? Report Abuse

Reply:I tend to agree with you. There are simple cures and if they ever went public, the American Cancer Society would collapse. Maybe even our whole economy.
Reply:the money goes to the scientists for reasearch find a cure. and no their is no cure
Reply:There is an enormous amount of research and dedicated UNDERFUNDED hard work going on in all types of cancer to try and find cures.

But cancer is hundreds of diseases, not just one. The difficulty is that different cancers are caused by different things, so no one strategy can prevent them, and different cancers respond to different treatments so no one treatment can cure them all. There will never be a magic bullet that cures all cancer, but there is much research and dedicated hard work going on in all types of cancer to try and find cures.

And yes, some cancers can already be cured Seven out of ten children are cured of cancer. Testicular cancer, Hodgkin's disease, and many cases of leukaemia can all be cured in adults with chemotherapy, most skin cancers are cured with surgery, and many cases of thyroid cancer and cancer of the larynx are cured with radiotherapy.

Many other types of cancer are also cured if they are found early enough. But there is still a long way to go, especially with some of the commonest types of cancer such as lung, breast, bowel and prostate cancer.

And there is no secret cancer cure and no conspiracy to hide a cancer cure from us . The conspiracy theory is an urban myth, a sort of game played by those who have not had cancer or close experience of it.

Just think about it for a moment - if there were such a conspiracy drug companies would be keeping quiet about the cure even though it would bring them fame and fortune. Any drug company discovering a cure would make far more money than they can have dreamed of making up till now.

And doctors, scientists, researchers etc would be watching their relatives die and dying themselves (they and their families develop cancer at the same rate as the rest of the population) rather than co-operate to find a cure or revealing the existing secret cure

And in order to prove that any secret, hidden cure worked, thousands of people would have to have been cured by it. They’d all be keeping quiet too – not a word to the media from any of them either. Come on - they'd be shouting from the rooftops!

Most unlikely of all, every medical professional in the whole world would have agreed to keep existence of a cure secret. Every single one. One blabbermouth, one disgruntled researcher or sacked nurse and the whole conspiracy’s blown. Newspapers and other media wouldn't have got a sniff of it. Likely?

Existing treatments aren't perfect - very far from it. One day people will look back on them with horror, much the way we look back on blood-letting now.. But they are all we have at the moment, and we know, because they have been tested and proven in double-blind clinical trials, that they save many lives and prolong many, many more; in this they differ from any alternative 'treatments'.
Reply:wow with the exception of a few here, people really dont have a clue. cancer is not a disease, it is a family of diseases. there are about 5 thousand different kinds. and i am proof that thaere are cures that are in use. as for research, i agree it takes so long to get treatments and the preventitive meds approved. that is because everybody is so afraid of getting sued after telling us that such and such works then 1 person dies that it didnt work for. other than preventing it, finding a cancer early is the biggest and best thing you can do. they now have a prevent med for cervical cancer that would have saved me a lot of aggravation if it had been out 20 years ago. and nobody ever tells people all the things that can mutate the genes (cause of cancer) because it wouldnt be politically correct to tell them that if theyre fat, it increase their risk by over 40 % or that multiple sex partners increases risk by over 38%. hey lets all keep quiet because it is none of our business what someone else does right? cures are available but the public needs to be educated on how they can do their part to prevent it in the first place.
Reply:all the money comes from benefits. and i know this may sound sick, but they will never give us the cure for cancer, even though millions die every year from it. it's a way of population control. if they gave us a cure then more people would live. i mean come on, how could they not have the cure yet? they have to have it. it's a sick way of keeping people from using up all the earth's resources and killing the earth faster than it's already dying. so lets all face it. we're never going to see that cure, not in our life time, not in out great great great great grandchildern life time. it sounds sick, but is it really? we do it to animals, why not people?
Reply:There are over 200 types of cancer and most of them are curable. I would think the money goes towards cancer patient and scientists in finding more ways of curing people from the disease.
Reply:I sorta think that you have your mind made up about this, but for the record, there are many, many diseases that have NO CURE. Many diseases have treatments, but cannot be cured. So the answer to your question is that research money goes to find treatment and cures for the many, many types of cancer which people have to live with everyday. And the more research that happens, the closer we get to a cure.

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