Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Why is there so much fundraising for Breast Cancer ? But not for Prostate Cancer ?

I see alot of charity and publicity about Breast Cancer. I even bought a book of stamps with proceeds going to Breast Cancer research.

But what about men ? Men are just as likely to get Prostate Cancer and much more likely to die from prostate cancer. Because men rarely get checkups for it.... until it's too late.

For Women, early detection is key to fighting Breast Cancer. Same goes for Men. But there has been so little publicity for Men to get examined. Why the difference of the sexes ?

Why is there so much fundraising for Breast Cancer ? But not for Prostate Cancer ?
Because breast cancer is a very fast growing type of cancer and prostate cancer is the slowest growing cancer known.

Reply:Breast cancer is much more publicized and seen, to the public, as much a more "curable" condition (I know it is the same in early detection, but not so with later detection).

"Marketing" has everything to do with this because most people have a family member, have had or personally know of somebody with or who has died/recovered from breast cancer. Probably not the case with prostate cancer which usually affects men %26gt;50, and rarely %26lt;50, where breast cancer is seen hitting women of all ages, although most common %26gt;50)
Reply:Here's my guess. Women are more likely to organize fundraisers, do volunteer work, and push for charitable causes. Not to say that many men don't do this too but the numbers of women far outweigh the men. Also, prostate cancer was historically a hush, hush subject because of it's "below the belt" nature. Jump on the coat tails of successful fundraising organizations like Relay for Life, Race for the Cure, and so on. Ask local Breast Cancer organizations to partner with one for prostate cancer and work jointly in your fundraising efforts. It's a good way to draw attention to your cause from like minded people and you won't have to reinvent the wheel. For more fundraising ideas for your cause, visit http://www.fundraiserhelp.com/charity-ev...

Appeal to the male population by hosting a golf tournament or casino night gala. If you do your event in conjunction with a breast cancer organization, stir up some friendly competition with a Boobs vs. Butts fundraiser.

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