Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Is getting a job at St. Jude's children's cancer research hospital as a nurse difficult?

or is it like getting a job at any other hospital?

Is getting a job at St. Jude's children's cancer research hospital as a nurse difficult?
If you're interested than you should contact the hospital directly. They have a webpage with information about available jobs:


Good luck to you.
Reply:God bless you!

You'll probably need at least 2 years of med-surge work under your belt before applying to St. Jude's. Check out their web site:


I've been a hospice nurse for 7+ years, but we do not admit any patients under the age of 18. Personally, I don't think I could do it. I truly admire the men and women who care for peds, especially in the oncology and end of life settings. Best of luck in your career choice!
Reply:I believe it would be the same as any other top notch cancer center. I've been doing consulting for cancer centers, and there is currently a shortage of oncology nurses in the country right now, and with growing cancer volumes, this shortage will be exacerbated. Most cancer centers are therefore looking to recruit and retain qualified nurses. If you have oncology certification through ONCC, it would be easier for you to get this position.

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