Monday, May 4, 2009

What's a reliable cancer/ cancer research foundation to donate to?

I recently got quite a sum of money and am planning to donate to assist patients with cancer or cancer research. I also want to make sure that the money goes directly into helping the cause, and not into someone's paycheck. Plz help me find the most reliable/ best foundations or let me know what you recommend! Thanks.

What's a reliable cancer/ cancer research foundation to donate to?
You didn't say if you were looking for a specific type of cancer. Try You can read up on the groups and see what percentage of the budget is spent on overhead, salaries, etc.

kate -
Reply:If you want to fund research, consider http://www.gatewayforcancerres... -- 99% of all donations fund research. Report Abuse

Reply:here is a research group but they dont ask for money
Reply:american cancer is a good one to look up

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