Thursday, April 15, 2010

My wife and i want to have a benefit for ovarian cancer and have no idea where to start any ideas would be nic

my wife has stage three-a ovarian cancer and has just came out of remission after four and a half years,sara just had her first round of chemo friday.sara want's to hold a benefit concert and donate the proceeds to the Gilda Radnor ovarian cancer research foundation.We have alot of very good musicians in and around the Jamestown N.Y. area we would like to do it around April of next year, But we have no idea what permits and things like this we need to have.

My wife and i want to have a benefit for ovarian cancer and have no idea where to start any ideas would be nic
I work for a charity. A key thing to planning is to have as low as expense as possible. If you are just doing a concert (that is, no meals), you'll most likely have these expenses: printing/mailing invitations, advertising expense, performers' fees, venue rental. If the performers are into the cause, maybe they'll waive their fees, especially if they are local musicians. Sometimes you can make trades (X # of tickets in return for free printing). In everything you publish, make sure you reference where the proceeds will go. If you aren't doing a raffle, you shouldn't need any permits - unless you're thinking of holding the concert in a park rather than a concert hall. Also, a local school or church might be willing to provide the space for the concert.
Reply:man talk to ur wife about the situation
Reply:contact any ovarian cancer charities in your area, start looking for venues, calculate how much a ticket should cost if you are providing food, entertainment, booze, and you still want to make a tidy sum for charity. good luck! Don't re-invent the wheel, there are lots of resources out there.
Reply:Check with your city hall. They can tell you what kind of permits you need.

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