Thursday, April 15, 2010

I've been asked to shave my head to raise money for Cancer Research.?

Shall I do it????????? What do you think. Its at our local pub tonight and I've so far been offered £300.00

I've been asked to shave my head to raise money for Cancer Research.?
Sure, why not? Besides, that's what hats were made for.
Reply:Well, its a brave thing to do. Top marks to you if you do, but I wouldn't have the balls for a shaved head (or the face).

I will, however, walk a marathon overnight for charity - so each to their own I guess.
Reply:It seems to grow back quicker the shorter you have it. Lets make it £500!
Reply:Britney, is that u?

I'd do it for 200 quid easy, but I'm a guy.

How do you look with a baseball cap?
Reply:Go for it slaphead
Reply:Good for you!! £300.00 is a great start, and you might even make more...and its for a great cause.! go for it...but do take a wooly hat with you.......its gonna be a cold night!!
Reply:My mum lost her hair through cancer,she was lucky and got over it, when her hair grew back she did a parachute jump and also absailed 250 ft down the side of a building,she did this to raise money for cancer research, by the way my mum is 77 years old. Go for it,you never know you may be helping someone close to you in the future.
Reply:My g/f friend shaved her head when the hair began to fall out after she started chemo for breast cancer.

Every woman likes her hair, but what you can do to help victims of cancer is a step in the right direction.

Your actions are for a good cause and not just some pub bet, do it.
Reply:the money will be going to cancer research right?

someone said the money was yours!

i think it's a really good thing to do.

quite appropriate as people who have cancer who go through chemotherapy have no choice whether to lose their hair or not.

I hope you do it, the money will be going to a great place!
Reply:Your hair will grow back. The money is yours to keep!
Reply:I think that's a wonderful thing your doing, really who cares about the hair for awhile, god bless you and hope you make a difference, you've already started!
Reply:How do YOU feel about it? If you can cope with a shaven head, why not? It is all in a good cause and a bit of a dare too.. On the other hand if you will find it hard for the next few months, then it is your right to change your mind, and find a different way of raising the money.
Reply:Good on ya - it's charity!

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